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Catalogue       Group                                                         A side/B side                                                       Year


NGO 1          T Mburu                                        Ndure Mbacara/Nduri Kwaheri

NGO 7          Gatunyu Boys                               Mbeca Ni Ciakii/Kunjeta

NGO 20        Gatanga Young Stars                     Gutiri Munini Mukia/Ema

NGO 22        Gatanga Young Stars                     Wariwakwa/Ngonyo


Kikuyu label connected to the Bahari and Sawa Sawa Sound labels. NGO 1 and 22 surfaced on Ebay in May 2010, with Sofiane of Groovy Record in Paris supplying details of the other two records and the label scan in March 2011. 

I can’t tell you anything about T Mburu and all I can offer about Gatanga Young Star is that they also recorded for Wamumbe.