Catalogue Group A side/B side Year
SUL 3004 Bana High Life Band Fily Mama/Luora Nyathina 1972
SUL 3020 Bernard Avuya Salome/Ulililanga Shina?
AS 1765-66
SUL 3077 Sagana Boys Thauti Ya Mary/Tiri Uyu Ni Witu 1974
SUL 3082 Mavuria Kiyo Boys Band A: My Ex-Darling Ester No 1 1974
AS 3026-7 B: Twari Macanga Na Anes
SUL 1003 Banana Hill Band Mwalimu Pts 1 & 2
Initially a Phonogram and later Polygram distributed label.
Francis Rugwiti’s Banana Hill Band also recorded for Njogu, Sibuor, Sokota in the 1970s. The group usually sang in Kikuyu but sing in Swahili on this tune.
SUL 3020 is a Luhya single in the British Library’s National Sound Archive. Avuya was the writer of a song by Orch Mamula on Bonanza.
Thanks to Peter Toll for details of the Banana Hill Band single and the scan.
Doug Paterson contributed details of the single by Bana High Bife band, who I suspect are the Banana Hill Band operating under a pseudonym for reasons unknown. Their record dates the label, though, to the early 1970s.
SUL 3077 surfaced on Ebay in March 2009 and featyres an otherwise unknown Kikuyu band.