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What’s the relationship between these two labels? They have the same logo and almost identical names but Koth Kiyombi is clearly marked as being distributed by AIT (Andrews International and Teal) while Koth Kiyobi lists just Teal as the distributor. Could the latter be a pressing from elsewhere in Africa?

Koth Kiyombi provided yet another outlet for DO7 Shirati Jazz. DO Misiani’s band recorded songs for the Awendo Rakido, Bwana Otieko Weche, Chiew Rakuthe, Nyati Mkali and Orch DO7 Shirati Jazz labels under their main name as well as numerous other labels as Shirati Luo Voice and other variants.

The Koth Kiyobi single features two veterans of Kenyan music, being written by Benson Simbeye and produced by Daudi Kibaka, who both recorded for Equator Sounds.


Catalogue       Group                                              A side/B side                                                                              Year


KK 4            Orch DO7 Shirati Jazz             Yamo Oloko/Okeyo Mejor                                            1977

KIB 621       Semeni Band                          Chisenge Lumbwe Pts 1 & 2                                        1977