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Kenya 7-2    Mandaraka Boys                                          Baba Munyinyi/Nikurima Ukururuma

Kenya 7-5    Naromoru Success                                       Ndakariganira J.M.K./Kiriro Kia J.M.K. 1975

Kenya 7-9    Joseph Kamaru & His Band                           Catherine/Ni-Mitho Tunite

Kenya 7-12  Joseph Kamaru & His Band                           DK Njohera/Ndari ya Wabichi

Kenya 1?    New Kamaru & DK Band                              A: Kava Nimanthe Nguku                   1976

                                                                                    B: Ngwiciragia Notwendane

Kenya 14     Joseph Kamaru & City Sisters                       Tugatigithaino Ni Gikuu/Kenya Kurungara

Kenya 15     Joseph Kamaru & City Sisters                       Wendete Uriku/Njohi Ya Mwana

Kenya 16     Joseph Kamaru & The City Sound Band         Tugatigithaino Ni Gikuu II/Kanyina

Kenya 18     Joseph Kamaru & The City Sound Band          Ke Ngwitikirie/Kiuru

Kenya 19     Joseph Kamaru & the City Sound Band           Musa Wa Andu-Airu/Ngamiira Iri Weeru

Kenya 21     Joseph Kamaru & The City Sound Band          Ciana Ithome (Nyayo)/Kiria Nguheaga

Kenya 26     Joseph J Kamaru & the City Sound Band        Ndugiuke Pts 1 & 2

Kenya 27     The City Sound Band                                    Nihaku Mwande Pts 1 & 2

Catalogue       Group                                                                        A side/B side                                              Year


One single by Peter Gaithuma’s Naromuru Success, who also recorded for Sun Eclipse, and intriguing ones by New Kamaru & DK Band, which appeared on Ebay in October 2008, and Mandaraka Boys, another Ebay discovery in May 2010; otherwise this was one of the main outlets in the 1970s for records by the influential Kikuyu bandleader Joseph Kamaru and his City Sounds Band.

He also recorded for City Sounds, KMS and Kamaru and no doubt other labels too.