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Catalogue       Group                                                       A side/B side                                                        Year


ODM 7-1      International de Nelly                     Fanuel Abongo/Macolomba                        1975

ODM 7-2      International de Nelly                     Chal Joboma No 2/Obar Akerrow                1975

ODM 7-3      Kamwala Lakeside Band                 Misire Onyere Fundi/Upinga Nan'go Yawa?   1975

ODM 7-4      International de Nelly                     Chwech Dhano/Frederick Ondere                1975

ODM 7-5      International de Nelly                     Tang Ne An'ge/Jesinta                               1975

ODM 7-6      International de Nelly                     Penina Ya Nelly/Adahiambo Wakili               1975

International de Nelly were a Luo benga band led by Ochieng Nelly after he left Victoria Kings and he appears in the writing credits on these singles as Dr NO Mengo.

AIT distributed the label, I assume, as copyright is given to EIT, the label’s publishing wing.

Kamwala Lakeside also released singles on Nyam Gondho.

These singles all come from the collection of Op of the skafunkrastapunk forum.