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Catalogue       Group                                          A side/B side                                                        Year


EMK 02        Orch Makassy                      Mosese Pts 1 & 2

EMK 03        Orch Makassy                      Athumani Pts 1 & 2

EMK 04        Orch Makassy                      Mume Wangu Pts 1 & 2

EMK 05        Orch Makassy                      Molema Pts 1 & 2

EMK 07        Orch Makassy                      Cisca Pts 1 & 2

EMK 08        Orch Makassy                      Bakokabolakate Pts 1 & 2

EMK 11        Orch Makassy                      Maggy Pts 1 & 2

AIT label for the Tanzania-based Congolese band who are well known outside Africa on the back of the phenomenal Agwaya album (Virgin, 1982).

It would be good to fill in the blanks in the catalogue and get a more precise timeline than early 1980s.