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Catalogue       Group                                                 A side/B side                                                                  Year


PIN 7-101    Orch Morning Star                    Pokea Salamu/Roho Yangu                                 1973

PIN 7-102    Zuhura Swaleh                         Sultwana/Janatu Naimu                                     1973

PIN 7-107    Zuhura Swaleh                         Mfano Wako Hapana/Karama Zijiri                      1973

PIN 7-108    Matano Juma                            Wakati/Safina                                                   1973

PIN 7-111    Muta Musical Club                     Chozi La Dam/Kwaheri Muhibu                           1973

PIN 7-112    Muta Musical Club                     Pendo Langu Ulishike/Mpende Akupendae            1973

PIN 7-113    Muta Musical Club                     Embe/Fulani Nimekupenda                                 1973

PIN 7-114    Muta Musical Club                     Wawili Wapendanao/Ninawangu                         1973

PIN 7-115    Orch Morning Star                    Mpenzi Mtaratibu/Nyongo Mkalia Ini                    1974

PIN 7-116    Muta Musical Club                     Mapenzi Ni Ghali/Sumbuko                                 1974

AP Chandarana Productions didn’t let a little matter such as Kericho, its home base, being miles from the sea stop it from launching a label dedicated to taarab, the music of the East African coast.

Tracks by Matano Juma and Orch Morning Star appear on the Buda Musique CD collection, Zanzibara 2: 1965-75 the Golden Age of Mombasa Taarab. It’s likely that tracks on that CD by Zuhura and Party are by the Zuhura Swaleh who features here. Muta Musical Club ,on the other hand, appear to be from Tanzania.

All of these singles are in the Voice of America collection.