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Catalogue                 Group                                                 A side/B side                                                                  Year


SM7-8001            Orch Boma Liwanza                  Baruti Pts 1 & 2                                                1973

SM7-8002            Orch Boma Liwanza                  Lisolo Ya Ndako/Mbanda Tubi                             1973

SM7-8005            Orch Zabelkis                           Kinyonga/Pricila Dada

SM7-8006            Orch Boma Liwanza                  Nakoka Te/Mwana Mobali                                   1973

SM7-8007            Band Bankouyou                      Mwasi Mobima Nzungute Pts 1 & 2                      1973

SM7-8010            Orch Boma Liwanza                  Atosha Na Furaha/Tumbamado                           1973

SM7-8011            Orch Boma Liwanza                  Catharine Obebisi/Omeka Tembe                        1973

Melodica-distributed label for Congolese bands in East Africa. With the exception of SM7-8007, all of these singles are taken from the discography of Congolese bands in East Africa, which you can find at www.muzikifan.com/shika.html