Catalogue Group A side/B side Language Year
LV 008 Kawere A Kings Fibi Owuor/Kon'go Rach
LV 012 K B Kings Okoth Kodongi Nam/Akinyi Toto Luo
LV 013 West Seme Jazz Band Otieno Ambala/Mary Achieng Luo
EA 003 Mori River Ongo Ochuoi JJ Okech/Florence De Charley Luo
EA 006 Victoria C Band Yud Nema Maler/C Ondiaso Onjiko Luo
EA 007 Migori 43 Seco Lucia Akumu Mgele/Janet Akoth Luo
LAF 3006 Orch Manga Kings Florence Ayiero/Maggy Adhiameo Swahili
LAS 3027 Gem Lucky Band ?/Akinyi Nyaramba Luo 1978
LAS 3046 Band Orch Les Kinois Ba-Boka Pts 1 & 2 Lingala/Swahili
LAS 3049 Sare River Jazz Band Bentar Atieno No 1/H Aginga Odero Swahili 1979
LAS 3050 Orch DO Simba Wa Bara Wuolta Owiti/Chalis Ochien'g Swahili 1979
Lake Victoria Special
VC 004 Orch Bamuza Mama Ya Mado Pts 1 & 2 Lingala
VC 06 Orch Shika Shika Balingi Ngai Nakufa Pts 1 & 2 Lingala
VC 008 Les Victoria Walinikataa Pts 1 & 2 Swahili
VC 9 Orch Ndege wa Anga Mama Rutty Pts 1 & 2 Swahili
VC 1012 Tiers Monde Cooperation Tiers Monde Pts 1 & 2 Lingala
Label from Victoria Music Stores, featuring productions by Okoth Kodondi. He is best-known for his extensive work with Luo benga bands on labels such as Ka-Ber and Kodondi but he also produced other bands too.
The difference between the LV and EA prefixes is unclear, while much of
the non-Luo work is given a VC prefix and the label is overprinted “Special”.