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Edition Diabim was another outlet for Lingala recordings distributed

in Kenya by the industrious Melodica.

The different catalogue numbers assigned to the two Orch Grand Piza

singles may indicate that they are Congolese rather than Kenyan pressings.

DB 001         Orch Cavacha                               O Mimita Pts 1 & 2                               1976

DB 003         Orch Super Tukiwa                        Mwana Ngenge Pts 1 & 2                      1976

DB 004         Bakuwde Pablo et Son Ensemble    Sisi Pts 1 & 2                                       1977

DB 05           Orch Super Tukiwa                       Sely Ya Papa Pts 1 & 2

DIA 8            Orch Grand Piza                           Kisangani Pts 1 & 2

DIA 17          Orch Grand Piza                           Yo Zairois Ngai Zairoise Pts 1 & 2

Catalogue       Group                                                       A side/B side                                                  Year
